Monday, August 24, 2015


If you thought that 3D animation for games and movies was the same thing, you will be in for a surprise when we tell you that it is not. Even though 3D animators use the same principles and tools to create the animation, the techniques and methods differ. If you had the misconception of animation in games and movies being the same, discover why it is not below:

Movies:   Animation on the Big Screen

In movies, the 3D animator’s sole and only responsibility is to animate the character or object in the shot camera. Even though several other camera angles exist, the animator in this instance only has to worry about one, which is the shot camera. The shot camera is from the perspective of the viewer.
When you watch a 3D animation movie on the big screen, you are watching from the shot camera. For the 3D animator working on a movie is fun, as they get to overlook all other angles of the camera, as you cannot view the other angles on the big screen, unless the viewer, you, could rotate the screen to view them.
Since that is not the case, the animator is one happy camper. However, do not get us wrong, as animating in movies is not an easy task at all. In fact, it is quite hard, but not in comparison to animating for video games.

Games:  Animation on the Small Screen

The whole point of animating games is to make them interactive for the player. When you are playing a game, the character is in your control. You control its every movement as well as the angle of the camera. This means, the 3D animator has to make sure that the game looks flawless from every camera angle.
Especially in games that are in third person. In third person perspective, the player is able to rotate the camera to allow them to see the whole arena before them. When designing a character, the animator has to perfect each and every motion the character does or the player makes it do from every possible camera angle available.
Some of the things the animator will have to ensure include when the character is aiming its gun, crouching down, standing, running, rolling on the ground, and more. Their task becomes even more difficult when they have to create fantasy characters such as giants, creatures from the beyond, whole events in the storyline, and more.
Animation in movies and games is quite difference. The difference being in the way each type of entertainment medium is animated. Animating a game requires an animator to look at every single movement from all angles whereas animating for a movie requires them to only look at one angle, which is the angle from the viewpoint of the moviegoer.

Still, animating in movies and games requires the animator to work with precision, as both tasks take a long time to finish. The end result is always perceived well by critics and audiences alike. 


Animation has become the “in” things for several companies looking for new ways to advertise their products and services to people. They hire animation companies to assist them devise an advertising strategy to entice the consumers to make a purchase.
What they like about incorporating animation into their advertising strategy is the fact that it is a versatile tool. For this reason, animation is quickly becoming the new face of advertising. If you have not incorporated it into your advertising strategy yet, here are some benefits you will obtain if you do:

1.     Sums Up All the Main Points of the Advertising Campaign

Lately, audiences want everything handed to them in a visual manner. So, why should you not make your advertisements visually appealing as well? Animation will let you to create a thrilling story relaying a vital message to audiences, captivating their attention. In just one advertising campaign, you will be able include all the main points about it and broadcast them in an orderly fashion they will understand.

2.     Ability to Create High Concept Advertisements

Brands and companies using the animation strategy to promote their newest product or service will be able to depict a high concept idea. In their advertisements, they can include animations, scenery, and sounds to create a sensational moving visual. They can let their imaginations run wild, as their several ways they can go with animation.

3.     Retain Customers Attention

If you want potential customers not to switch the channel when your advertisement comes on, you will be able to do just that with animation. Potential customers will want to watch your entire advertisement because they will be reeled in with the animated characters, background music, and all the colors in the background you used.

4.     Enhances a Company’s Image

You do not want people to know you as the company that uses outdated advertising techniques. You want people to know you as the company that knows how to use the latest advertising techniques available. Right now, that is animation. Companies and brands need to hire an animation design company to help them promote their product. If your company fails to adopt the modern changes taking place in the advertisements world, they will fall behind in the competition.

5.     Cost-Effective Way to Advertise

Animation can save companies money, as it saves them money on hiring models or arranging a location to film a video. The only cost they will have to worry about is hiring a reliable 3D animation company to create their vision and bring it to life. If companies are looking for a modern and cost effective method to advertise, this is it, right here.  

Animation is roaring to the top as one of the most successful and latest advertising techniques to hit companies in a long time. Several brands have begun to incorporate 3D animation techniques into their advertisements. If you are looking to make a mark with audiences, you should do the same. For viewers, watch out for animated advertisements to come to your small screen.